

Syllabus Generator


This has been a large, ongoing project in development since 2012. The challenge of the project was to build a tool that met the needs of both instructors and administration.

From the administrative point of view, the major need was to have a standard way of making and distributing syllabi that allowed faculty to add their information to a syllabus without changing other content or the format of the syllabus.

For faculty, the primary need was for an easy interface that allowed them to add their course information and generate a completed syllabus.


Basic Application Workflow

Every section of every course needs a syllabus. At the start of the term, an instructor would log into the syllabus generator, and either build a new syllabus or copy one that she has used before. The Instructor would then go into the syllabus and fill out the various required sections an when complete, send it to the appropriate Academic Director for approval.

The Director can review the contents and either request changes or approve the syllabus. Once approved, the Instructor can download a copy of the syllabus to put up on the learning management system course shell.

The application makes use of the excellent PHPDocX library to convert a php file into a MS Word file.


Since 2012 this system has been used to generate thousands of syllabi.

Innovative Interface & Interaction Design

Because the application is fairly unique, with a very specific audience and feature set, it provided lots of opportunities for innovative interface and interaction design.

One example is the interface for adding categories for grades for the course. All the categories need to add up to 100%, and the application keeps track of your progress as you add grading categories.

There are tons of examples like this throughout the entire project. If you would like a tour of this project and some of it’s carefully crafted features, please let me know.


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    HTML, CSS & JavaScript focusing on jQuery plugins

  5. Syllabus Generator

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  6. CodeSnap Web Application

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About William Mead…

William Mead Photo

This site shows some of my front-end design and development work and shows how I use these projects to teach students about those same topics.

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Professional Qualities

  • Enthusiastic about teaching, learning, managing projects and building products for the web.
  • Deeply creative and always playful. Frequently engrossed in solving complex puzzles.
  • Thoroughly engaged in the design and web development industries.
  • A visual learner with an analytical mind.
  • Introspective and always striving for improvement.


I am particularly good at bending CSS to do my bidding, and I really enjoy creating custom interactivity with JavaScript. I am always excited about new problems that need to be tackled.

Contact Me…

I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me using the form or directly by email or phone.


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