Assessment in the classroom is one of the more prickly tasks new educators face. It is something educators have given a lot of thought about, myself included, and it’s a topic I have been thinking and writing about for the past few years. I started this blog in the summer of 2016 partly as a place to express these and other ideas about design, education and web development. In an attempt to get this writing “out there” I have put together a series of six blog posts that outline my system of assessment at this time. I am sure I will be adding to it and refining ideas for some time to come, as I continue to test ideas and work with other educators. As of next week (Fall of 2016), I will be teaching at UC Davis and am very curious about how my assessment system will work in that environment.
Below are links to the six blog post. I suggest reading through them in order, but you can skip around, if you like. If you are have been one of my students in the past and have a comment to make about how assessment in my system worked for you, please leave it. I am always interested in the student perspective.
Part 1
Introduction and Setting the Stage
Part 2
The 3 F’s of Assessment & Meeting Students Where They Are
Part 3
The Tools for Assessment
Part 4
Micro and Macro Approaches
The Heart of My Assessment System
Part 5
Gaming the System and Fair != Same
Part 6
Real Deadlines & Extra Credit
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