

September 25th, 2017

This is another great example from one of my Intermediate Web Design sections by Juan Sarmiento. I have been teaching this course for a long time and it has evolved a lot over the years. In the early years, I remember having to teach students about how to deal with Internet Explorer 6 bugs, and then later how to use the HTML5 shiv. Neither of these techniques, or a long list of other ones need to be in this course anymore. However new techniques emerge to take their places, and that remains one of my favorite things about teaching this course. Continue reading this article »


September 11th, 2017

One of the projects I have done in the Design for Mobile course I teach is to have students design and build responsive restaurant websites. Responsive design has been around since 2010, and really picked up steam as mobile use of the web started to surpass desktop use of the web towards the end of 2013. However, restaurant websites often lag behind. Continue reading this article »


September 1st, 2017

This project, created by my student, Marco Vasquez, is from a few years ago, but it remains in my list of favorites. In the Intermediate Web Design class at Art Institute, students dig further into designing for the web and learning the HTML and CSS necessary to produce those designs. Continue reading this article »



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    Featured Projects

    1. ZAP Creative

      Responsive Design, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and WordPress

    2. Animal Shelter

      Responsive Design, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and MySQL

    3. Experimental JavaScript

      Responsive Design, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


      HTML, CSS & JavaScript focusing on jQuery plugins

    5. Syllabus Generator

      PHP & MySQL Web Application

    6. CodeSnap Web Application

      PHP & MySQL web application

    More Projects

    1. 4.23 Microsite

      Experimental JavaScript Microsite

    2. Audio Space

      HTML, CSS & jQuery

    3. Bttrfly Productions

      HTML, CSS, JS, & WordPress

    4. Desktop Repainter

      HTML, CSS & JS

    5. Bluephant Dental

      HTML, CSS, & JS

    6. Zen Music Festival

      HTML & CSS

    About William Mead…

    William Mead Photo

    This site shows some of my front-end design and development work and shows how I use these projects to teach students about those same topics.

    Find me on these networks

    Professional Qualities

    • Enthusiastic about teaching, learning, managing projects and building products for the web.
    • Deeply creative and always playful. Frequently engrossed in solving complex puzzles.
    • Thoroughly engaged in the design and web development industries.
    • A visual learner with an analytical mind.
    • Introspective and always striving for improvement.


    I am particularly good at bending CSS to do my bidding, and I really enjoy creating custom interactivity with JavaScript. I am always excited about new problems that need to be tackled.

    Contact Me…

    I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me using the form or directly by email or phone.


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